Give Your Business a Boost in the Midst of Down Time with These 4 Tools

Mar 30, 2020 | Monday Memos

Today I have some resources to help you improve your business growth. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Having the right tools in place can help you become more successful in the midst of economic turmoil due to unforeseen events in our world. There are many different ways you can plan and prepare for a bounce back in your industry. Do you need to get the wheels moving again for your business? Use these great resources, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Custom reference map – Maptive

Create a visual reference from your contacts spreadsheet for expert data mining. Maptive allows you to see where your products are producing the most sales to help you create a better marketing strategy for your business. Spot the latest trends and keep up with any changes in your target market. Data visualization is on the rise in helping businesses stay ahead of the online flux.

2) Instantly improve your website – Crazy Egg

Gather insights on what links your customers are clicking without A/B testing. With CrazyEgg you can create a heat map of your marketing behavior and activity with more information on how your website is performing. Learn where your visitors are coming from, why they are getting stuck, and how your design can improve for better performance.

3) Sell more products with optimization – Optimizely

Optimize your website for computers and mobile for improved interactions. Optimizely helps you to improve your customers’ experiences and communication in an easy-to-use platform. Use this software to make product delivery more efficient, reduce risk in online shipments, grow your marketing channels, and much more.

4) Collaborate with influencers – Sumo List Builder

Encourage your website visitors to subscribe with this great app. Sumo List Builder integrates with services like Aweber and Mailchimp, and provides a simple prompt for your readers to subscribe before leaving. Use this tool to convert readers into paying customers through professional pop-ups and timers that do the selling for you. Features include drag and drop, brand customization, mobile designs, and A/B testing.

Hopefully you will find these business tools useful to your online growth and sales. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!



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