Today I have some proofreading tools to help you improve your content creation. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.
Your audience is looking for fresh, original content free of mistakes often seen in AI generated text — taking the time to edit your articles is the key to establishing trust and credibility. You don’t need to hire an editor to get this accomplished. Instead, take advantage of these great online resources, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Proofread and check grammar instantly – PaperRater
Use this free tool to quickly check your work. PaperRater is a great tool that allows you to use their tool online to check for plagiarism risk, correct difficult words, avoid grammar mistakes, and get writing suggestions. There is nothing to download — just get started by pasting your document right into their website.

2) Check for writing and grammar errors – Slick Write
Before you publish that next blog post or website copy you will want to check out this powerful tool. Slick Write will set you apart from the crowd by helping you use the correct grammar and choose from a diverse vocabulary. Choose customization features for better feedback and add impact to your customer reports without having to install any software.

3) Check spelling, style, and grammar in multiple languages – QuillBot
If you need a quick edit on your content then this simple tool works well with just a copy and paste into their website. QuillBot is a resource that allows you to edit your work for free. Get results on spelling, grammar, and style suggestion by clicking the check writing button. This can save you both time and frustration and greatly improve your readership. Choose just about any language, including Spanish, French, and Chinese.

4) Single click proofreading – Ginger
Would you like to have instant access to professional quality proofreading? Ginger is a great tool to use for complex projects that will automatically spot and correct mistakes that other tools can miss. Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar before publishing that next sales page, blog post, or marketing content.

Hopefully you will find these proofreading tools useful to your writing and publishing. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these tips and tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!

These weekly tips are offered by Susan Gilbert, a Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencer of 2022 <<< Click to see the Report.
But, did you know that Susan’s real passion and work in the world is helping entrepreneurs write the book they’ll be remembered for?
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