4 Tools That Will Maximize Your Business on LinkedIn

May 15, 2023 | Monday Memos

Today I have some resources to help you maximize your networking and brand building on LinkedIn. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

As your grow your influence it’s important to connect with the right people in your niche. Authentic, trusted relationships are the backbone of word of mouth for your brand. There are several ways you can improve your LinkedIn marketing for more connections that can be mutually beneficial. Would you like to grow your network online? Take advantage of these resources, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Outreach with automation – Expandi

Each day businesses and individuals are missing out on vital conversations. Get better results for your efforts with Expandi, which is also a great lead generator. Create campaigns with follow-ups, personalize your messages, choose a target audience, gather key insights and metrics, and more. As the platform changes their software will adapt and help you get the most up-to-date results.

2) Learn more about your contacts – Sync.ME

Manage your leads and attract more customers with this smart app. Sync.ME allows you to improve your business communication including calendar management and incoming calls. Weed out spam callers and visually see who is getting in touch with you.

3) Book meetings with prospects – LeadiQ

Find potential clients while you are logged into your LinkedIn account and on other places online. LeadiQ allows your business to gather leads that you can use in your sales management software. Find out who your team is reaching out to as well as review performance for more closed deals at a fast rate. The software works directly with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, and includes automation features that save you both time and money.

4) Integrate CRM with Xing and LinkedIn – LinkMatch

Want a fast way to find the right candidates and new connections? Then you will love LinkMatch, where you can add contacts quickly through their powerful CRM software. Automate your sales, integrate third-party apps, and generate more leads. Instantly see leads inside your CRM, synchronize information, save LinkedIn messages, and more.

Hopefully you will find these LinkedIn tools useful to your business networking and sales. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!

Susan Gilbert

These weekly tips are offered by Susan Gilbert, a Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencer of 2022 <<< Click to see the Report.

But, did you know that Susan’s real passion and work in the world is helping entrepreneurs write the book they’ll be remembered for?

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Have you been thinking about sharing your talents with the world by writing and publishing your own book – but don’t know where to begin? If you’ve never taken the leap before, now is the time…

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