Most authors would love to see their books appear at the top of the charts on places like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. But with so much competition out there how can you possibly make this happen? Yes, it is possible and I have seven helpful tips on how to become a bestselling author.
Live into the knowledge that you are an author even if this is your first book. This is the basis of any successful publishing career. See yourself as an author that people will be drawn to.
After getting this firm in your mind do your due diligence and research other books in your genre. Take note of which titles are most popular and then see online what people are saying about these books on your social platforms and websites such as Goodreads.
A traditional publisher will want to see whether you have an established brand following online before bringing you onboard. Yet, it could take a lot longer to climb up the ranks with this route. Even though self publishing is hard work wearing all the publishing hats needed, the payoff could be great because you have more control over the overall process.
Here is the roadmap to become a successful published author:
1 – Develop a clear reason
Do you want to sell books for profit? Or are you interested in building a long-lasting publishing career? There are a myriad of reasons that could have when deciding to become a published author.
Perhaps this is a way to further develop your writing skills and promote a blog? Or you would like to become a public speaker?
Make a list of your current objectives to further define your goals.
Keep in mind that your current branding and social media networks should be reflected in the type of book that you write, especially of you already have an established number of loyal followers.
Both social media marketing and email marketing will play an important role in the promotion of your book before and after its publication.
2 – Have a solid online presence
Most writers do not find themselves in the realm of a marketer. They see this as the publisher’s job – which may be the case if you have gone the traditional route, though that thinking isn’t true. For those who are independent authors, it is essential to have the right tools and help in order to maintain a visible presence online. All authors need to be marketers if their goal is to hit a bestseller list.
Your existing content such as a website, blog, articles, videos, ect. will all become a part of your overall marketing plan.
A loyal brand following means that you will attract readers who will be interested in reading your book(s).
There are many different ways to approach this. Some authors prefer to stick with a couple of platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. Others will develop an audience through their website, a podcast, webinar, or a YouTube channel. The good news is that there are many online opportunities you can take advantage of and attract followers quickly.
What advice can you offer? People in your niche have questions. Find out what they are asking for and become the answer for them. Tailor your content around their topics of interest.
After establishing yourself as a trusted authority your book will become a main hub that readers can go to again and again. A well developed online presence will help support that as you continue your journey as an author.
Think of marketing as a way to connect personally with your readers and developing relationships with them. They may offer insights you have never considered that could be useful to your book. A great way to foster this is through videos, strong visual memes, and excerpts from your work.
The more people know about you the better. This will encourage interest and allows you to better answer their questions. After the publishing process is complete you can consider developing digital courses or teaching an online session to specific members who invest in a paid program.
3 – Get the tools of the trade
Think of writing your book as a building a business, and along with that you will need to tap into the right resources to get the job done successfully.
This might take a little investment on your part, but the payoff is well worth it as you will be able achieve your goals must faster than struggling on your own.
Invest in yourself with courses and learning from other independent publishers. Join online communities and find out which tools are best for authors. The more knowledge you have the better prepared you will be.
Get the training that you need, a good computer or laptop, software, services such as website hosting, and marketing and promotion costs lined up. Will you need the help of a press release writer or social media marketer? These are things to map out and put into a budget before deciding to write your book.
Freelancers could become a great go-to resource as you develop your publication. This could include an editor, book designer, photographer, ect. If you prefer to do this on your own there are many different low-cost online courses available that can teach you step-by-step how to achieve each facet of bringing your book to life.
This process could become overwhelming, and so I encourage you to take it slow and create daily tasks that help you accomplish your overall plan. Take small steps each day in order to remain focused and productive.
4 – Using existing content
A blog or video channel is still very effective in attracting and retaining readers. Make sure that your current content aligns well with your book, and presents your messaging in a way that people will know exactly what you are about and what to expect from you.
As you publish online always be mindful of references and anyone mentioned in your posts or videos. Interview experts when possible and cite resources that are credible as this will directly impact your brand reputation. Always keep in mind that an online image is long lasting and makes either or a positive or negative impression that will follow you wherever you go.
5 – Curation and freelancers
Some authors will choose to hire a ghost writer while others may enlist the help of a good editor to polish their own work. On your blog the same rules apply – and you can reference another author’s work with their permission and even contribute on their blogs.
If you decide to hire a freelancer to help you create content keep in mind that credentials are important. Are they knowledgeable about your topic? Does their writing style line up with yours? What type of editing skills do they have?
Be sure to check out the reviews of any freelance writer you are planning to work with. Before making a solid commitment get a feel for how they communicate and whether or not they respond in a professional manner. Take a look at how fast their turn around time is and current availability for projects.
6 – Put the plan into action
Use tools to research your target market and find out exactly who they are, what background and demographic they come from, their gender, hobbies, likes and dislikes, financial situation, ect.
Once you know more about who you are writing for it’s time to explore you as the author. What do you have to offer specifically to your readers? Is your knowledge and expertise unique from others? What can you bring based on your own experiences that is unique to your brand?
All of this will enable you to create content that best serves who you are writing for, and will attract them to your overall message.
7 – Tracking your efforts
Every step you take in the writing and publishing process should be measured in order to find out whether your efforts are paying off.
It’s important to create a specific list or category for each task in order to learn where your book profits are coming from.
Online tracking tools can help you measure how well people are engaging with your brand and what they are saying about your content and book.
Use research methods such as online surveys and emails to learn more about how well you are being received and what you can change. An email list is an invaluable tool that can provide on going relationship building and leads, which extends beyond your website and social media.
The world of publishing online has a wealth of opportunities to explore. With the right focus, tools and content you can successfully gain more visibility for your book and move up on the bestseller list with genuinely interested readers.