Improve Your Content Strategy with These 4 Online Tools
Monday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right.
Today I have some content marketing resources to help you improve your influence. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
Blogging online is not as complicated as one might believe, and you don’t need to be a seasoned expert in order to succeed. What you do need, however; are the right tools to get started. Would you like to improve your content marketing strategy? Take advantage of these online resources, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Make Your Images Go Viral – Share as Image
Creating stand-out memes can become a time consuming project. Share as Image, is a great tool that allows you to easily add and edit text to your images. There’s no need for high-end software, and all of this can be done right from your computer. Once you find that next great quote simply copy and paste it into the easy to use editing platform where you can create different fonts and effects to share on your blog and social media.
2) Get great photos on a budget – Death to the Stock Photo
If you need better images for your readers, but don’t have the resources to pay for a stock photo then you will enjoy this great resource started by two photographers. Death to the Stock Photo is a place to find amazing photos for your content for free. A premium option is available for a low monthly fee, which really cuts down on the per image cost.
3) Interact with Your Readers – Typeform
If your business has not been able to successfully engage your audience on your blog then this simple tool can help. Typeform is a resource that includes customization of contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and much more. You can get started for free or sign up for their premium options for more features.
4) Keep Your Readers Updated – TinyLetter
Would you like to be able to quickly create a newsletter for your subscribers? TinyLetter by MailChimp is a great tool to use for simple updates without having to use a complicated email service. The resource is free to use and is a perfect solution for simple updates in an easy to use format.
Hopefully you will find these content marketing tools useful to your blogging strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!