Use These 4 Facebook Tools to Increase Your Reach
Monday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right.
Today I have some Facebook tools to help you improve your visibility and influence. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
Social media growth has seen a lot of changes over the last three years with a move to weed out spam and encourage authenticity. Many brands and businesses are still using Facebook as their number one network to reach their target market. Would you like to improve your brand’s network, but don’t know where to start? Check out these tools, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Track social conversations and trends – Radian6
Listen and engage across multiple channels, including Facebook. Radian6 from Salesforce is technology that will help your business to reach more Fans, attract prospects, and improve your customer relations. Gather important data while handling comments and questions at the same time. In time you will discover the posts that mean the most to your audience, which will help your business convert more leads.
2) Run eye-catching contests – Gleam
Put together the perfect giveaway with attractive graphics. The Gleam widget can be shared right on your blog and on social media with beautiful designs and a choice of templates to best fit your campaign. It is integrated with Facebook, Instagram, Eventbrite, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, and more. Choose either images or video to attract the most attention for your contests.
3) Brilliant photo images for posts – Compfight
A great way to reach more people and attract new Fans is to use high-quality images that stand out from the rest. Compfight quickly helps you find just the right photo for your next post or ad. The tool taps right into Flickr with results for free videos or images you can download right away. Choose either a commercial license or creative commons — be sure to leave an attribution where asked.
4) Create dynamic videos and images – Thinglink
A good way to build visibility for your brand on Facebook is to upload direct videos or images that speak to them directly. Thinglink is a powerful tool that you can use to easily augment your visual content and really stand out from the rest. Features include image tagging as well as 360º views for panoramic visuals.
Hopefully you will find these Facebook tools useful to your marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!