4 Tools That Will Improve Your Content Writing
Monday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right. Today I have some content writing resources to help you improve your influence and productivity. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
Quality content is important when it comes to attracting new customers and a strong brand following. There are several great resources available to make your writing stand out like a pro, and create winning articles without the need for outsourcing. Would you like to improve your writing for better visibility? Take advantage of these tools, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Free writing resources – Email Excellence
In order to attract new leads your business needs a professional email. Email Excellence provides helpful tools and templates to help you to write specifically to your target market. For example, create an email that prompts the reader to take action or deliver hot tips and tricks to your contacts. The sample templates are free with paid training available.
2) Get personal with your customers – Help Scout
If you need a better way of attracting new prospects through content then you will enjoy this helpful resource. Help Scout allows you to create newsletters that attract interested buyers along with strategies that will enable you to better reach out to your potential customers. Modules include how to write and create emails, launching a help desk, providing valuable resources, and more.
3) Social media engagement made simple – Respond by Buffer
Write in response to pressing issues with your customers with this simple tool. Respond by Buffer allows your business to respond on social media to your community such as through mentions and direct messages. Bring it all together to one simple inbox. Respond in real-time and share communication with your team.
4) Add references to your content – Cite It In
Include important fact checking and references in your content writing. Cite It In is a tool that you can use to craft credible articles by finding the right references for your links. Use this resource when creating a blog post, your next eBook or putting together a .pdf for your subscribers. It’s easy to use and will help save you the hassle of costly corrections and any copyright liabilities. Formats includes are APA, MLA, and Chicago style.
Hopefully you will find these business writing tools useful for your content strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!