Improve Your Facebook Live Videos With These 4 Tools

Aug 12, 2019 | Monday Memos

Today I have some live streaming resources to help you improve your reach through Facebook Live. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Video content is one of the best ways to capture an audience, and this is great news for gaining more fans and followers for your Page. With a real-time episode you can quickly build an interested audience and new subscribers. By jumping into live streaming you can host your next broadcast effectively. Would you like to improve your visual marketing strategy? Take advantage of these resources, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Enhance live videos – ManyCam

Turn your videos into an enjoyable and engaging experience for your audience. ManyCam is a great way to capture, produce, and stream your broadcasts through their free webcam software. Bring more to video chats with filters and effects while streaming onto multiple platforms at the same time. Features include 3D face masks, API integration, high resolution SDK, and more. Your videos will be high quality both visually and or just audio.

2) Streaming video for profiles and pages – Facebook Live

Your business can take advantage of resources right inside your Facebook account. Features include a simplified stream setup, cross-promotion of previously recorded broadcasts, and the ability of Page Fans to rewind a live show. This is a great way to connect with your audience and grow your brand in the midst of tighter algorithm updates.

3) Live production and streaming – vMix

Build a large audience with a professional broadcast. vMix is robust software that allows you to produce, record, and stream your live videos in HD, SD, and 4K. This Windows only software helps you to create your show in half the time of traditional production equipment. Stream simultaneously with the use of 13 different transitional effects, and the ability to create a virtual background or stage.

4) High quality live video – Wirecast

Would you like to host a program, but don’t have a big budget yet? Wirecast is an all-in-one production software that allows for your to connect multiple cameras and use scorebooards, graphics, and more. Features include live streaming and recording at the same time, social media comments in real-time, instant replay, timers, ect.

Hopefully you will find these live streaming video resources useful to your Facebook marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!




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