4 Low Cost Press Release Resources for More Visibility

Jan 25, 2021 | Monday Memos

Today I have some press release resources to help you improve your visibility and attract the news and bloggers. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Attracting the right media outlets for your business with a press releases is easy to do on a budget, and can not only increase website traffic, but also funnel more fans and followers to your social networks. Free and low cost resources are available to help you get started with simple to use platforms. Would you like your brand to be shared by the news and bloggers? Try these press release websites, and let me know how these work for you!

1) The right audience reach at the right time – Newswire

Your business can get started on creating a buzz around your brand today with this affordable resource. Newswire is an easy to follow online service that allows you to quickly and easily create a press release. After publishing you can track the distribution, and increase your chances of being seen in search engine results. Their website even includes a news center where your story can be seen. Select the best journalists for your niche as well as engage in and build online relationships.

2) Easy and reliable press releases – PR Undergroud

This unique and affordable service is simple to use with distribution to major news outlets and online resources like Google News. PR Underground allow you to create your own branded newsroom as well as sharing to the top social media platforms. Use this affordable tool as a compliment to all of your marketing and SEO campaigns.

3) Get your brand in the news today – PRLeap

You don’t need to be a public relations expert in order to reach more influencers in your industry. PRLeap is a modern platform, which can be accessed on a computer or mobile device. Photos and videos are large, and content is automatically optimized for any user whether they are reading from a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Their focus is reaching the news outlets that matters to your market, and sends your news out to the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. Social sharing is made easy to access, and even allows for brands and businesses to promote their social media accounts.

4) Low cost press release news distribution – PR Urgent News

Reach major news outlets while learning how to write a winning press release. PR Urgent News is a full service website, which offers high-quality press release options that will get your brand seen online. Approval is done within 24 hours. This resource will even help you find a writer if your business does not have the time to create something yourself.

Hopefully you will find these websites for press release distribution useful to your business online reach. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!



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