Today I have some personal brand building resources to help you improve your reach and interactions. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.
Generating a buzz for your personal brand doesn’t need to be complicated, and you can become quite successful with the right marketing in place, which will grow your influence and community online. There are great social tools that can help your business become successful as well as take the guesswork out of branding. Would you like to reach a wider audience? Use these personal branding resources, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Write, edit and share articles – LinkedIn Publishing Platform
Early in 2014 LinkedIn opened the way for its users to publish directly on their social network. The LinkedIn Publishing Platform is available for both free and paid accounts, allows brands to create and publish articles that include images, bold headlines, keywords, and social sharing features. As soon as your post is live it is announced to your connections, and adds additional visibility by allowing comments on your articles. Additionally your latest news can be prominently displayed right on your profile.
2) Thought leadership and expert articles – Business 2 Community
If you have a great blog full of original, and attractive content then the next step for your brand could be guest blogging. Business 2 Community is a large publishing platform, which includes a variety of content topics with a large readership. You don’t need to pay to become a part of the community, but rather submit a simple application showcasing your previously published work. After approval your posts will be seen and shared by a wide audience, which is a great brand building tool.
3) Inform and inspire your audience – Flipboard
Connect with other influencers in your industry while finding great content to share at the same time. Flipboard is easy to set up, and provides boards to showcase articles related to your niche. You can add to your boards as well as share the content with a link to your own on social media.
4) Track the latest hashtags on Twitter – Tweet Binder
Build influence and share better content with your followers on Twitter by honing in on the latest hashtags in your niche. Tweet Binder is a great tool to find keywords that are trending, and use for chats, tweets, and joining in on what’s popular. Gather 30 day reports as well as real-time data in order to stay ahead of the competition.
Hopefully you will find these tools for building your personal brand useful to your marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these tips and tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!