Learn More About Your Customers With These 4 Tools

Mar 28, 2022 | Monday Memos

Today I have some great resources to help you improve your business sales and reach your customers in a more effective way. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Discovering the pain points and desires of your target market can involve quite a bit of time and research, but there is a way to get the information your business needs and increase your conversion rates. Using these top tools will help you gain better insights. Would you like to know exactly what your customers are looking for? Take advantage of these resources, and let me know how these work for you!

1) The latest trends in your industry – Pew Research Center

Find out exactly what buyers are seeking online, and who they are. Pew Research Center is a free and in-depth resource that provides information and data on social media usage, the economy, demographic trends and much more. Easily generate charts and download the data with the latest consumer and tech trends. Explore interactive data, publications, datasets, ect. in order to complete a thorough overview of your target market.

2) At scale customer surveys – SurveyMonkey®

Create surveys and questionnaires to find out what your target market is looking for. SurveyMonkey provides a number of different ways to approach your customers in easy to use format forms you can add to your website and email service provider. Get immediate feedback and learn how to best approach your audience with opinions, product satisfaction, brand awareness, and more.

3) Look at the big picture of your business – NielsenIQ

Understand the habits and demographics of your audience. NielsenIQ is a market research tool that your business can use to learn the best ways to reach your audience and narrow your search down to the best prospects. Find out what your lifestyle habits are such as the most common social media outlets people are engaging on. The website will also help you develop segmentation in order to narrow down your email marketing campaigns to the right group.

4) Get inspiration through insights – Think with Google

Would you like to know more about customer behavior? There is a simple and free way to help you identify what your audience is looking for. Think with Google allows your business to view the latest trends, articles, and cease opportunities before the next major holiday. Gather data, insights, and important moments online that matter the most to your customers. Take a look at what other brands have achieved as well as an overview of the most common search terms from buyers.

Hopefully you will find these analyzing tools useful to your business sales. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!



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