If you are ready to jump into the self-published marketplace then Amazon is a great way to start. While traditional publishing still exists, more and more authors are ‘independent’ in today’s eCommerce-driven online world. Most people turn to the large platform of Amazon to find or download their next favorite read, so it makes sense to choose this as your independent publishing starting point.
Traditionally publishing a book can be a daunting task that could potentially take up much of your time and effort to secure the right publisher who is willing to sign you and your work.
Taking the self-published book route means taking more control of your hard-earned work and placing it in front of thousands of interested readers.
Would you like to be the final decision maker when it comes to selling your next publication?
Becoming an independent author is not a new concept. In fact, I first learned about it from an avid skydiver, Dan Poynter, who wanted to write and publish books about his experiences. In 1979 he decided to let the world know how they, too, can self-publish their own work in a book entitled, The Self-Publishing Manual. This led him to start his own company, Para Publishing, which put out numerous books without the use of a traditional publishing firm. I followed Dan’s lead and self-published in 2001.
As you take on the task of publishing your own book you may feel like you have to do your own editing, design, and marketing. Thankfully there are plenty of professional freelancers and book publishing resources available to use at a nominal cost.
Taking a Look at Amazon
If this is the first time you have considered publishing on Amazon then you might be wondering what to expect? Here are some helpful tips on how to successfully navigate the platform and bring your project from upload to fully published.
Choosing the right format
As an independent author you have the say in how long your book is, what the title will be and what the design will look like. If you have the means I highly recommend working with both an editor and graphic designer, unless of course this is a part of your own specialty of skills.
Considering the profits from sales
Traditional publishing firms will take most of the royalties, leaving the authors with as little as 15 to 25 percent, if that. On Amazon, you could potentially be making at least double that number.
Their publishing platform for authors, KDP, gives you a choice of what percentage of profits you will receive based on the price of your book. The geographical location is also a factor in this, with at least a 35% royalty from each sale.
Get in front of readers longer
In the past, a new author would typically get in-store visibility at stores for about two months. If you were lucky your book would stay longer on the shelves if there were a lot of sales. Today eBooks can go up and down on the bestseller list, but will always be available for readers to find on Amazon. Through brand building and marketing campaigns, you have the potential to be seen by more people for a much longer period of time.
Quick publication
Instead of waiting for months to have your book become finalized in print,a digital book can be put out to the public almost immediately. With print-on-demand services and software you could see your title on Amazon in as little as 24 hours.
What about the competition?
As a new author, you have control over how to market your book on social media, your website and through email marketing campaigns. The more you get your brand name out there in a relevant way the greater the chances of being seen among the competition. Focus on how your title is unique and build a network of loyal brand followers who will want to recommend your book.
The cost of printing
If you are moving forward with a printed book this could potentially cost thousands of dollars in upfront costs from a printer. With Amazon’s Print on Demand services your books are not printed until someone order it which eliminates the upfront book printing costs, not to mention storage charges (if you aren’t keeping them in your garage). Distribution can be tricky but is doable. Should you decide to test the waters, you can choose the eBook only option before moving to a printed version. As you start to generate more sales you can grow into that format later on.
The new audiobook trend
A lot of people just don’t have the time to sit down and read a book — which is where audiobooks can be a real benefit to you as a new author. In 2020 alone sales reached 1.3 billion dollars in the United States according to Statista. Amazon owns Audible, which helps authors to enter this growing market.
Attracting readers with Kindle Unlimited
Readers on Amazon can now read or listen to as many digital books as they want to through a membership option called Kindle Unlimited. This is a benefit to you as an author to get around any price hesitation, and still obtain royalties. The Kindle reader has not only become the most popular device for eBooks, but also offers its own free mobile app on other devices.
Special offers
In order to quickly attract readers during the initial launch of your book on Amazon, you can run a giveaway campaign and offer free downloads for up to five days within the first three months of publishing on KDP. This is a great way to get book reviews and generate word-of-mouth on your new title.
Custom advertising
You can create ads on places like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, but you can also do the same directly on Amazon. Just like the other ad services all that is needed is to set up a monthly amount of what you would like to spend each time your ad is clicked.
Short reads are popular
If your book is a quick study guide or how-to with under 50 pages you have the potential to tap into a whole other market. Amazon allows for short-form publishing, which is becoming increasingly popular with readers who are looking for bite-sized information on the go.
Moving forward on your self-publishing journey
Choosing to release your first book on Amazon could be a great cost-effective way to attract readers quickly. As you become an established author then you might want to consider pitching a traditional publisher now that you have a track record with book sales.
There are quite a few features that can be taken advantage of on Amazon, including the Look Inside option as well as the 1-Click purchase for Kindle books. Just remember while the eCommerce giant makes it easy to publish your book it is up to you as an independent author to engage your audience and manage the branding and promotion.
If you would like to discuss your publishing options, use my calendar link to book a call.