Are You Starting a New YouTube Channel? Start with These 4 Resources

Jan 23, 2023 | Monday Memos

Today I have some resources to help you launch your brand videos on YouTube. Here are four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Videos have proven to be the top performer when it comes to digital marketing. There are some resources and tips that can enable you to build a successful presence right out of the gate. Would you like to start using video to build your brand? Use these top tools, and let me know how these work for you!

1) AI powered metrics – Unmetric

Gain insights on what types of videos are performing best. With Unmetric you can go through volumes of data quickly and gather results that go beyond the basic analytics tool included with YouTube. Get an understanding of what the competition is doing as well as track important KPIs that will improve your video marketing strategy.

2) Optimize your channel fast – TubeBuddy

Would you like to attract subscribers right away? TubeBuddy is a powerful tool that helps your brand find and use the right keywords for search, rank higher, and launch faster than what you could do just on your own. Their software brings more to your channel performance with integrated A/B testing and bulk video processing.

3) Generate high performing ads – Sprizzy

Want to quickly create an ad campaign? Then you will enjoy Sprizzy, which enables you to create subscriber ready advertising for your YouTube channel. Features include a promotion service using your content and branded keywords, low engagement filters, real-time analytics, simplified ad development and more.

4) Host live videos – OBS

Gain new subscribers through a live channel broadcast. OBS is an open source tool available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux users. Record and stream your broadcasts with their inutive audio and video mixer as well as filters such as noise suppression and gain control. Streamline your content though their configuration settings that allow you to choose a layout that fits your channel.

Hopefully you will find these video resources useful to building your brand on YouTube. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!



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