Become an Influencer with These 4 Personal Branding Tools

Feb 21, 2022 | Monday Memos

Today I have some personal branding resources to help you build more influence online. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.

Attracting a loyal brand following involves connecting with others in a meaningful and helpful way. As a leader in your niche you can find new clients as well as draw in subscribers for your website and other online channels. There are several resources that can improve your results. Would you like to increase your brand awareness? Take advantage of these tools, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Showcase your expertise – Passle

Demonstrate what your brand can do and get ahead of the competition. Passle helps by focusing and engaging with your community who can then recommend your brand to others. Find targeted articles to re-purpose on your website or YouTube channel, announce the latest events and news for your brand, find relevant content for your audience, and more.

2) Tap into an influencer network – Xing

Would you like to engage in a smaller social network for more targeted connections? Xing offers a simple format that enables your business to discover jobs, events, news and groups from around the globe. This is a good resource resource for both employers and job seekers alike with access to high level professionals in business and the media.

3) Protect your reputation online – Brand Yourself

Find out whether your brand’s personal data has been exposed online in minutes. Brand Yourself gives you an opportunity to submit profiles such as a website or a social media profile. Secure your identity while improving search results and providing a reliable reputation to your leads and customers.

4) Get a professional website online quickly – Strikingly

Would you like to showcase your brand but don’t have a website up yet? A good tool to use in order to get up and running in no time is Strikingly. Brands and businesses can set up a page showcasing a biography, expertise, and connected networks. Use the free version or purchase a domain name that can be moved later to a WordPress installation. Features include built-in eCommerce functionality, custom forms, security, and more.

Hopefully you will find these personal branding tools useful to your influencer marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Have fun with these tips and tools.

Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!



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