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How to Successfully Publish a Book on Amazon
If you are ready to jump into the self-published marketplace then Amazon is a great way to start. While traditional publishing still exists, more and more authors are 'independent' in today's eCommerce-driven online world. Most people turn to the large platform of...

Attract Publicity For Your Self Published Book
As a self-published author, you are in charge of promoting your work - whether you are a "do it yourselfer" or finding the right team or specialized individual to assist you. In order to attract the media you'll want to have a solid marketing plan in place. Making the...

A Guide to Writing Your First Business Book
Before you put pen to paper it's important to create a book writing plan keeping top of mind that your future readers are looking for authors who can share their knowledge and expertise while solving their most pressing problems. In order to break into the non-fiction...

Can You Really Write a Book in Under a Year?
As a leader in your industry you want your message to get out there and be heard. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by having a book appear on the bestseller list in your niche. If you are just starting out in the process you might be asking just "How long it...

5 Reasons Why You Should Write a Book to Build Your Brand
If you are just starting out in your business you might be asking yourself, is now the right time to invest both time and money in writing and publishing a book? The simple answer is -- you can't afford not to in today's credibility-driven world. Most entrepreneurs...

Why Should You Be On Clubhouse?
“Just what we need - one more social media platform.” That’s exactly what I thought when I became aware of the app, Clubhouse, last fall. On January 1st of this year, I took the plunge and promptly lost three days down the rabbit hole listening to what feels...