Case Study
From Dessention to Delighted After Susan Gilbert’s Branding Comes to the Rescue

“I met Susan at an Issaquah Chamber meeting and knew immediately that she could navigate the challenging world of our Association’s personalities.”
Annique Bennett,
Former Executive Director, Downtown Issaquah Association
The Downtown Issaquah Association (DIA) promotes historic and Cultural Business District (CBD) with programs and activities to improve the appearance and economic vitality.
The DIA collaborates with the City of Issaquah, Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce and other local non-profit organizations to support the arts, the community, economic growth and visitor development. Our vision is a downtown district that is alive, inviting and vibrant.
Client: Downtown Issaquah Association
Industry: Local District/Community
Products/services used: Branding, social media, website development
- The association was unified with branding they all loved.
- With branding in place, their online properties could be developed accordingly
- PR outreach could begin to bring new visitors to Downtown Issaquah.
The problem/goal
- The Downtown Issaquah Associate is comprised of business owners from the old town section of Issaquah, located on Front Street specifically. They pride themselves on this charming town.
- When I met Annique the association was very divided. Half of the business owners wanted the area to known for it’s historical heritage. Half of the business owners wanted to focus on the arts community: painting, glass blowing, and music.
- As a results of the division among them, there was no PR outreach taking place to let Seattle and surrounding areas.
- “At my invitation, Susan attended an association meeting and could see the passion each group brought to their reasons for choosing sides. They were delighted when Susan created a brand that spoke to both sides,” Annique Bennett
The solution
I met Annique at an Issaquah Chamber meeting when we spent the entire luncheon discussing the problems facing the association.
She invited me to create a solution that included branding everyone would love. Annique said afterwards, “I met Susan at an Issaquah Chamber meeting and knew immediately that she could navigate the challenging world of our Association’s personalities.”
After solidifying a brand that spoke to both sides, we moved forward with creating their online presence that was stuck in the 2000 website era.
The results
The branding I created for the Downtown Issaquah Association is Historically Hip which encompasses History and the Arts!
Contact Susan at to set up a brief call and see if you want to up level to your next and best version, leaving a lasting legacy for your work in the world.
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