Case Study
Real Estate Landlord Takes to the Air to Create a Bigger ‘Next Version’ of Himself

“I came to Susan with an idea and she laid out a clear plan of action that including creating my brand. Now considered a thought leader in my industry after only a few years, I wouldn't be where I am today without her combination of creativity, strategy and commitment.”
Robert DeLaurentis
After creating great success acquiring and renting homes, duplexes and apartment buildings in San Diego, he could retire at the age of 46, but wasn’t ready to join a country club and play golf for his remaining years. As a new pilot, and knowing I am a pilot, he flew to Seattle for a VIP Day and he left with a new brand and new direction.
His brand, Flying Thru Life, Achieving Altitude in Your Business and Life was born which led to his first book by the same name to support his new direction in life. Today, eight years later, he is a thought leader in the aviation community.
Client: Robert DeLaurentis –
Industry: Aviation
Products/services used: Brand creation, book publishing, social media/website, documentary
Robert became a recognized leader in the Aviation Industy
Robert received sponsorship funding bringing in several million dollars for each of his circumnavigations
As of 1/1/2024 Robert has published 5 books with another in the works and his documentary will launch in 2024
In October of 2023, Robert was inducted into the San Diego Air and Space Museum’s Hall of Fame along with leaders and legends in aviation.
The International Air & Space Hall of Fame is the most prestigious induction of its kind in the world and is composed of hundreds of air and space pioneers, engineers, inventors and innovators, along with adventurers, scientists and industry leaders.
NASA Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts and Russian cosmonauts are honored in the Hall, as well as famous legends such as the Wright Brothers, Charles Lindbergh, Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart. Notable inductees also include Buzz Aldrin, Chuck Yeager, Igor Sikorsky, Wernher von Braun, Jack Northrop, Jackie Cochran, William Boeing, Sr., Reuben H. Fleet, Glenn Curtiss, Walter Zable Sr., Fran Bera, Wally Schirra, Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, T. Claude Ryan, Jimmy Doolittle, Bob Hoover, Ellen Ochoa, Peggy Whitson, Linden Blue, Jeff Bezos, Patty Wagstaff, and many more.
See the following link:
Robert has created a lasting legacy that will live on.
The problem/goal
Robert DeLaurentis is a successful entrepreneur and businessman in San Diego who has been acquiring, rehabbing and renting real estate for twenty years.
After reaching financial freedom, Robert was looking to create a next version of himself. He wanted to find a project or direction that he loved and could fuel with passion like he had with real estate
One or two sentences about the consequences of the problem. The problem he faced was he didn’t know what that next version was and needed a coach – or alchemist – to guide him on a journey that was transformative.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today without Susan’s combination of creativity, strategy, and vision.”— Robert DeLaurentis, Zen Pilot | Flying Thru Life – Aviator, Author, Speaker
The solution
As a frequent customer at a brick and mortar business of mine called Lil’ Miss Muffins, Robert knew of my success in business. He also was interested in my new found passion of flying and acquiring a Cessna 182.
“I knew Susan was both a strong business woman, an adventurer like me. She introduced me to my three life passions: small business, flying, and spirituality.”
I worked with Robert to dig deep into his unique passions and successes to create a brand that personified him: Flying Thru Life. We wrote a book together that was a stand for that brand.
The results
As Robert and I have continued to work together over the years, we have published more books (Zen Pilot, Peace Pilot and two children’s books) and will also be releasing a documentary (Peace Pilot) that will debut in 2024.
As an unknown in the aviation industry when we began working together in 2015, in addition to the collateral pieces of books and products, he has created a DeLaurentis Foundation to support aviation, especially for children and upcoming pilots.
He has also purchased a run down airport on Whidbey Island in the San Juans of the Pacific NW which he is rehabilitating using skills learned in his real estate work which is apply called DeLaurentis International Airport.
“I have stepped into my destiny with Susan’s guidance both on the ground and in the air”, Robert DeLaurentis
Contact Susan at to set up a brief call and see if you want to up level to your next and best version, leaving a lasting legacy for your work in the world.
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