Long before your fingers hit the keyboard it's important to know why you are writing in the first place. Without a narrow focus readers will not be interested. A great book always offers a good reason for reading it - a meaningful purpose. You can find this in your...
7 Ways to Make the Bestseller List
Most authors would love to see their books appear at the top of the charts on places like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. But with so much competition out there how can you possibly make this happen? Yes, it is possible and I have seven helpful tips on how to become a...
Discover Your Business Book Marketing Message
Every book should have a distinct message that reflects a topic geared toward your client. It's important to establish the heart of your book's marketing message to your audience. Your readers need to clearly see the central focal point and how it relates to them...
What Type of Self-Published Author are You?
As you begin to think about your new book it's important to decide upfront what your end goal is. There are three different ways to approach a non-fiction book in the self-publishing world, and each serves a unique purpose. I'll explain the three (3) different types...
How to Launch a Successful Preorder Campaign
One of the best ways to build anticipation around a new release is a well-crafted marketing campaign prior to your publishing date. It's not enough to just announce your book. You need to have the right focus and strategy in place. Here are some tips on how to make...
How Well Is Your Website Working For Your Book Sales?
I like to tell my clients, "Let's make your website your hardest working employee." As an author, you do have a business - your book; and, whether a company of one or many, we want to make sure we are receiving a return on our investment! When it comes to promoting...
Read This Before You Publish Your Book
Self-publishing my first book, The Land of I Can, I learned a lot about the process before it became a bestseller on Amazon. A gift book that I wrote thinking women would buy it for themselves and gift it to other women, that did happen. One woman gifted a copy to a...
Go Beyond Social Media and Write Your Book
If you have been in the process of building a brand online then social media you've most certainly utilized social media to attract loyal followers. While posting content on a regular basis is essential it is even more important to work towards publishing a book that...
Should You Host a Book Signing Event?
You've done all of the hard work of writing and publishing your book. But what about offline events for marketing it? These are gaining traction once again, and could still be a great way to attract a whole new fan base. Even though you might be doing well online,...
Can You Really Make Money As An Author?
Just starting out as a self-published author won't generate a full-time income by itself initially, but it will if you open your eyes to all the possibilities they will reveal themselves. First and foremost, for individuals writing their brand/business non-fiction...