Harness the Power of Visual Marketing on Instagram Instagram has turned into a social media site that cannot be ignored. It is a platform that can position and grow your brand in no time. Learn how to grow the number of followers so you can grow your brand. The...
Twitter Hashtags The Right Way
How To Effectively Use Twitter Hashtags Hashtags have become the prominent marketing driving force for trending topics on Twitter since they began in 2007. Other social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, and Instagram have followed their example. There...
Pinterest Improves Analytics With Business Upgrade
Big Upgrade For Businesses on Pinterest "To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade?" That was the question I asked myself when Pinterest inquired whether I wanted to switch to a business account saying: "Get the all-new analytics Switch to a business account to see how Pins from...
Are You Click-Baiting on Facebook?
Facebook Is Eliminating Click-Baiting Posts From New Feeds Have you ever shared a post on your Facebook Page with a link and image instead of pulling the information directly from your article? Well now Facebook is saying this could be perceived as "click-baiting,"...
5 Ways to Get More Targeted Website Traffic
What is a website without traffic ? A big black hole on the Internet! You can give someone your domain name to visit, but otherwise it doesn't exist. Website traffic is the life blood of your online business. Without targeted visitors, your conversion is null. A...
Tips to Get the Most Out of a Facebook Campaign
Facebook Campaign Ideas to Boost Engagement Have you ever asked yourself, "How can I make my Facebook campaigns more effective?" Are your Facebook campaigns taking up too much time with not enough results? Creating a successful Facebook contest, giveaway, or promotion...
Topics Not Keywords = The Future of SEO
How Topics Influence SEO Over the last three years we have seen a shift in search engine optimization, especially with the release of Google Penguin in early 2012. Now and moving forward into the future of SEO, topics are the focus rather than keywords. In essence...
Branding: Building a Community vs Marketing
Marketing Versus Community Marketing is the lifeblood for brands and businesses, and can be a powerful driver for more sales and leads. A community is more about the people you serve, and without it we simply do not have a healthy customer base. There are several...
Social Media Statistics That Will Surprise You
How Social Media Really Measures Up When it comes to measuring your social media strategy it can be difficult to know exactly on how hone in on the effectiveness of each network. This especially important to know in order to be aware of how to create engagement and...
How To Make Your Twitter Retweets Go Viral
Make Your ReTweets Go Viral Learn how with these tips What type of content attracts the most retweets? There are certain ones that create more social sharing than others. This is important to track and measure for your brand or business as you build influence. Here...