Why Google Plus Is An Important Element To Your Marketing There are several other search engines, so you may wonder why do you have to involve yourself with Google+. Well, at least for now, Google Search has the corner on the search engine market. Google bounces...
Building Online Author-ity
Building Online Authority: How It Helps Your SEO and SEM Building online author-ity is one of the ways in which you can improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing). There are several ways in which you can make SEO and SEM better and...
Online Strategy: Why Personalization is More Important than Ever
Get More Personal With Your Target Marketing You've likely noticed that everything is personalized now. There is personalized search, personalized email marketing messages, personalized website experiences, and even personalized advertisements based on your search...
How to Convert Your #Facebook Profile to a Page
Turn Your Facebook Profile Into A Facebook Page I hope this hasn't happened to you... After growing a healthy Facebook profile it is suddenly removed without warning, along with all of your connections, posts, and photos. Gone! Sorry this page isn't available. While...
Website Conversion: Get More Social to Improve Conversions
Ramp Up Your SEO Through Social Media You've worked hard ensuring that the search engine optimization, both on page, and off was just right on your website. You're getting a lot of clicks, and some conversions but you want to push your audience to convert more often,...
Wow Your Audience and Improve SEO: Dig Deeper
Making Your Content Truly Engaging It used to be that you could throw up short blog posts, for years, and call it a day; all the while, still raking in the money. Those days are gone... Now you have to stand out from the crowd and WOW your audience. Now people are...
#Hashtag Success For Social Media Marketing
Use The Best Hashtags For Social Media Marketing Those funny #Words - or hashtags - are used by people today on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Instagram with specific keywords for their content topic. One of the key ingredients to social media...
7 Day Plan to Write an Ebook for Your Business
Writing and publishing has changed drastically since my entry into the field over 14 years ago. While acquiring a publisher is harder today than it was even then, the options for self-publishing and producing a book quickly and easily has arrived. Why You Should...
10 Best WordPress Frameworks
Don't Miss These 10 Top WordPress Themes Theme, Framework, Child Theme - oh my! Sound like geek speak? I know some of you are saying, "Please explain!" What is a WordPress Theme? A WordPress theme is basically a design that outputs the desired look and feel by taking...
10 Great #WordPress Security Tips
Is Your WordPress Website Fully Secure? It would be hard to overstate the popularity of WordPress as a web publishing platform. Between the fully hosted blogs at WordPress.com and the self hosted blog software that’s available for download WordPress.org, there are...