10 Top Marketing WordPress Plugins

Increase Your Conversions With 10 WordPress Plugins A standard, out-of-the-box WordPress website is one of the most powerful tools an online marketer has at their disposal. WordPress makes it easy to create a high quality, well organized website, to regularly update...

30 WordPress Tips You Can Use Today

Tips To Make WordPress Work For Your Business I love Wordpress; and, am declaring a Wordpress Love Fest Week with lots of tips on marketing, security, plugins, and more. As you probably know, WordPress is a dynamic web publishing platform and the choice of over 60...

Does Social Media Replace Websites?

Social Media Versus Websites I have often been asked the question: "If I am active on social media, why do I need a website?" There are several reasons why it's not one or the other, an either or situation - especially if you are a new author or a start up business....

2014 Tools, Trends & Topics for SEO and SEM

High Quality Content Is More Important Than Ever The more things change, the more they stay the same. Well, at least when it comes to the importance of content for your online marketing needs. As technology becomes faster, and access becomes more prolific due to the...

#Facebook Paper Simplifies News Feeds

Facebook Paper App Simplifies News Feeds Would you like a quick and simple way to check your Facebook profile News Feed? Well now you can with a new app release called, Paper. This is a clutter-free version of Facebook, which is similar to Flipboard, which is an...

Keeping Track of Your Changing Market

Stay Up-To-Date With Your Market Research   Once you conduct your market research and create a customer profile, you're far from forever done. Conditions and people are constantly changing and market research is an ongoing process. If your message doesn't keep up with...

Start Here: Market Research Essentials

    "Research?" - I hear the sighs from here. Market research is the base of understanding who your target market is; and, developing your brand.  This is not a time to rely on guesswork. While many individuals do not relish doing this research, I guarantee...

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