Link Building Techniques That Work We all want targeted website traffic, right? In order to consistently bring traffic to your website that will be converted into prospects and sales, it is critical to understand not only the importance of the link building process,...
Create Your Own Music Box Through 3D-Printing
The Music Box Makes A Comeback In 3D-Printing The term 'make your own music' has never been more possible. Old fashioned music boxes have made a comeback through the new technology of 3D-printing. Now you can listen to your favorite tunes with a new service from Left...
Twitter's New Mobile Design
Twitter's New Mobile Look Released The wave of mobile technology has led Twitter to redesign its popular social media platform in a recent announcement. Approximately one percent of users will see the new look, and accounts are being chosen at random. My personal...
Facebook Trends Rival Twitter
Facebook Trending Coming Soon Soon Facebook profiles will start seeing the latest in conversations and interests when it releases a new Trending feature, similar to what has been on Twitter. The purpose is a move towards finding content that users want such as the...
The Magic of Believing
The Key To Your Success I think of my work as one part strategy, one part specialized skills and a big heap of positive mindset. The name of that recipe is FOCUS. Focus is the Key to your Success. Whether you are an author, entrepreneur, coach, speaker or small...
Branding Results Through Klout Lists Are Effective
Branding Results via Klout Lists The results are in..... A week ago today I published an article about creating my own 2014 Top Social Media Influencers - the Klout Aces - list on Klout along with instructions on how to create your own lists. Before I get into what...
New Updates on Google Authorship
Why Are Google Authorship Snippets Declining? One thing we can always expect from Google is change. Last October Matt Cutts from Google announced there would be some big changes to how Authorship is shown in the Search Results. We've had several some queries from our...
Website Navigation Optimization
Increase SEO Rankings Through Link Structure A basic install of WordPress delivers better-than-average search engine readiness, but layer on a few power tips, and it becomes downright supernatural. WordPress, while originally embraced as a blogging platform, it is now...
Those Banner Ads Are Not Stalkers – Just Remarketers!
Why Are Banner Ads Following You? It’s happened to all of us. You’ve visited a site … maybe only once. Later, we move on to another site to find a banner ad for the product or site we visited hours or minutes earlier. It’s almost as if the ads are following us. So,...
Top Social Media And Klout Aces List
I decided to create and share my list of the top #socialmedia mavens and #Klout users who rock influence! (People who love their social media and who dedicate – a lot of – time to talk about it!) These are the top people in the top of their industries from around the...