We've all heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." That, in a nutshell, is Visual Content Marketing and Infographics leads the pack. You see, graphics tell a story much better than any article ever will. Infographics create instant...
Quickly and Easily Add iTunes Affiliate Links With the Touch of a Button
"How to Use the iTunes Affiliate Link Maker Plugin for Wordpress" If you’re an iTunes affiliate you’ve probably found that generating a link through your affiliate system every time becomes a bit of a chore. Fortunately, the iTunes Affiliate Link Maker (iTALM) can...
5 Tips to Optimize Your Videos
Obviously the use of video for marketing is becoming more popular all the time. One of the reasons is that videos rank well in the search engines. This means you can get video directory traffic, as well as search engine traffic. Yes, YouTube is it's own search engine....
Contests for Traffic, Prospects and Customers
Can you increase your traffic through holding contests? Yes! It is one of the more under utilized strategies to get more customers. Why do they work? Just about everyone loves contests, and they are a great way to get your customers to interact....
Avoid Costly Copyright Mistakes With Advanced Google Search For Images
How do you find legal images for your blog? Images are what help drive visitors and create visual interest on your blog posts, not to mention that they can be easily shared on social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr. This is where we as online authors...
Panabee Can Help You Find The Right Domain Name
A domain name is an important element in branding for your business. Hitting that 'sweet spot' for great visibility can be like finding a needle in a haystack. That is where a great tool called, Panabee, comes in. Not only will it help you hone in on the right...
Social Media Sales Funnel Building
Are You Selling To Or Building Your Social Community? Information overload and our ability to become commercial free has changed the old fashioned marketing funnel. Attention getting tactics will no longer sell your products and services. How many of you tape TV...
Get Started With Snapchat For Your Marketing
How To Set Up Snapchat And Use It To Build Your Brand Like Instagram the new Snapchat app is all a buzz lately with over 50 million 'snaps' per day going out. But the added bonus is that users can instantly send photos and videos to their followers. Messages are not...
How to Work Instagram
Instragram is a cool free photo sharing service that works with Apple iOS and Android devices. It allows you to take photos that are reminiscent of Polaroid pictures with some unique lighting effect. You can share photos with friends on Instagram and...
Your Website is Your Home Base
While the latest or biggest social media site seems to be top of mind and constantly in the news, your website is an extremely important piece of your online real estate. It's the most important one. It's what goes on your business cards, gets linked in your social...