5 Tips to Optimize Your Videos

Obviously the use of video for marketing is becoming more popular all the time. One of the reasons is that videos rank well in the search engines. This means you can get video directory traffic, as well as search engine traffic. Yes, YouTube is it's own search engine....

Social Media Sales Funnel Building

Are You Selling To Or Building Your Social Community? Information overload and our ability to become commercial free has changed the old fashioned marketing funnel.  Attention getting tactics will no longer sell your products and services. How many of you tape TV...

How to Work Instagram

    Instragram is a cool free photo sharing service that works with Apple iOS and Android devices. It allows you to take photos that are reminiscent of Polaroid pictures with some unique lighting effect. You can share photos with friends on Instagram and...

Your Website is Your Home Base

While the latest or biggest social media site seems to be top of mind and constantly in the news, your website is an extremely important piece of your online real estate. It's the most important one. It's what goes on your business cards, gets linked in your social...

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