There are stars that have been in existence since the beginning of time, that we have been able to see only recently through a new and more powerful lens.
If you could use a more powerful lens through which to see your life, would you use it?
One of the more important points I have made in my teachings about ‘focusing on what matters’ has been the idea that you really do create your own life and your own reality.
It’s a fact that whatever you focus on manifests as reality in your life.
You are always focusing on something, whether you are aware of it or not. If I spent some time with you, I could tell you what you are focusing on. How? By looking at the results you are getting in your life.
The results you get are always the result of your focus
The problem is, this focus is usually not conscious focus. It’s automatic focus. We unconsciously focus on something we don’t want, and then when we get it we feel like a victim and don’t even stop to think that we created it in the first place. And what is more, we don’t realize we could choose to create something completely different if we could only get out of the cycle of unconsciously focusing on something other than what we want.
Focusing on what you do NOT want, ironically, makes it happen. Focusing on not being poor makes you poor. Focusing on not making mistakes causes you to make mistakes. Focusing on not having a bad relationship creates bad relationships. Focusing on not being depressed makes you depressed. Focusing on not smoking makes you want to smoke. And so on. I think you get the idea.
The only thing you have total and complete control over is your own mind, your own thoughts and the way you communicate these thoughts. The words you use when you are communicating is a dead giveaway for what you are really thinking.
Luckily, this one thing – your mind – that you do have control over gives you tremendous power. Remember, The Land of I Can states, “The Power is in the knowing.” Know that you have the power to focus your attention and your thoughts and therefore achieve the results you desire.
Athletes understand focus. They imagine the shot, feel the movement, and focus on the results BEFORE they act. They KNOW this works. We as individuals, business people, or employees can do this, too.
On November 15, 1993, Dr. Tom Amberry made 2,750 consecutive free throws and stopped without a miss. He was seventy-two years old at the time and had only been practicing for a year and a half. Dr. Amberry wasn’t a trained athlete, nor did he want to become one. He did this to demonstrate the power of focus and concentration. Most of the time, for most people, all the focusing and thinking is going by at warp speed, on automatic, without much, if any, conscious intention. Your job is to learn how to direct this power by consciously directing your focus to the OUTCOMES you want. If Dr. Amberry can do this, you can, too.
When faced with a particular action or decision, it is ideal to learn to narrow focus for that one desired outcome and widen focus in-between. By practicing in one minute increments you are retraining the way your mind auto-focuses.
Let’s use a typical dilemma some of you might face: If you want the day off, and your boss thinks you need to be in the office, staying focused on the outcome and creating a win/win solution is the only way you will create the desired results. Desired results that have you both feeling like winners.
You know your boss will want you to work that day, and from his perspective, you understand why. He’s on a deadline. You also know that you would love to spend a day with a high school friend you haven’t seen in twenty years and who is in town just this one day. Bartering with why your needs are more important than your bosses is not focusing on the thoughts, the words, the action needed to create your desired outcome.
Focus on creating a solution that will work- a way to create a win/win, acknowledging both party’s needs, and go into the discussion understanding that the other person involved in the decision has a valid reason for his or her position. Remove emotions from past interactions, stay away from concern or fears for the outcome and stay present. Focus on resolution. Stay present on a common goal that serves both of you. Could you stay late the night before and come in early to complete the project? Could you complete the work at home and deliver it to the office first thing before picking up your friend at the airport? Focus on achieving a solution that serves both of you. Focus not for an entire 24 hours, but for 60 seconds, one minute, when it really counts.
Concentration is really the partner of focusing. It does not mean “trying hard”.
Imagine when you are focusing that you are wearing blinders. As you begin your project or enter into a critical conversation, narrow your blinders to focus only on your desired outcome. The blinders should shut out both internal and external distractions. Afterwards, widen the blinders to sustain energy. Repeat this over and over for the duration of your day. As you practice concentrating on those outcomes that you desire in small, one-minute increments, you are re-training yourself to ‘think’ differently. You are intentionally choosing your thoughts.
This is the power of intention magnified by focus.
The result you desire will unfold. Trust this.
Practice Focus. One minute at a time.
Affirmation: Today I decide what I focus on – one minute at a time.