If you have been in the process of building a brand online then social media you’ve most certainly utilized social media to attract loyal followers. While posting content on a regular basis is essential it is even more important to work towards publishing a book that does not disappear in the minds of your audience.
As you may already know your social networks have become more of a challenge when it comes to organic reach. That is why any social media platform should now only complement or support your other efforts, including publishing. A book becomes your ultimate calling card and establishes you as a thought leader in your industry.
There are many brands that continue to put forth too much time and effort on places like Facebook and Instagram – which now have less reach – only to find themselves lacking in time to work on their book. Imagine how much more you could accomplish just by making a shift from too much social networking to actually developing and implementing your ideas in book format.
Remember – any content published on social media ultimately belongs to the platforms. A published book belongs to you!
Here are a few reasons why you should decrease your social media efforts and increase your work as an author:
1 – Establishes you as a leading authority
Anyone can write a post or tweet without any credibility or validation. That is why more people turn to those who actually provide facts and true stories behind what they publish. In order to stand out from the masse, you need a credible book to help create an authentic brand.
Let’s face it — anyone online today can put a fancy title and description behind their name. But when you dive deeper there isn’t much substance. Placing all of your efforts on just social media can actually hinder your brand growth and set you behind. Start building content elsewhere now such as a blog in order to generate interest for your next publication.
2 – Attracts media and interview opportunities
As you establish yourself as a content creator and eventually an author you will start to attract news outlets, influencers, and podcasters. A well-crafted book shows others that you know your industry or topic of interest. With the right promotion and pitch, you will get seen much faster than having an online presence alone.
One way to attract high visibility is to put out a press release as well as build expectancy prior to your release date on your website, social media, and through email marketing. Doing this at least a couple of months ahead of time can greatly increase your chances of getting noticed and even invited to write or speak about your book.
3 – Increases more sales opportunities
You’ve seen the term residual or passive income – this is very possible with publishing, although you will need to employ a strategic marketing campaign in order to be effective in continual and steady conversions from multiple places including your website, Amazon, sales page, ect.
The moment your book is published is just the starting point to building continual sales. An interested audience must be in place first in order to generate word of mouth and visibility.
4 – More creative control
A lot of censorship today has caused brands to limit what they can write on social media. As an independent author, you have more say in not only what your cover will look like, but what you can include in between on the pages. The limits and confines of social platforms cannot hinder your voice and message in a book.
The only real negative that could arise might be from your reviewers, so keep this in mind when formulating your ideas. How you are perceived by readers will continue to make a lasting impression, and you as the author have complete control over that messaging.
In conclusion, take some time this week to find out how much time you are spending on social media versus what time could be used to move your book forward to the finish line. While these marketing platforms still remain important to brand building they need to be kept in balance in order to accomplish your goals as an author.