Increase Your Book Sales With GoodReads

Jan 3, 2014 | Book Marketing, Digital Marketing

How to Use GoodReads to Increase Book Sales

goodreads book promotion
With 2013 coming to a close, it’s time to stop and evaluate your book marketing priorities for the next year looking at what worked, what didn’t and what you haven’t yet tried.
Whether you have started a new book or plan to, one important element that many writers miss is to take advantage of online networks to increase book sales. One place I would like to focus on today is, which has over 17 million registered users and growing!
Earlier this year the popular network was purchased by Amazon, which means as an author you are able to tap into hundreds upon hundreds of readers hungry for more books. Whether you have a non-fiction business read or the next historical novel, this is the place to be and promote.
When it comes to author marketing today you will want to be actively engaged in as many of the social networks as possible like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. The market is fiercely competitive with the huge growth of eBooks, and it is more important than ever to be involved in reader networks like GoodReads.
The more an author connects with readers, the more “buzz,” is generated on your name and book(s). GoodReads provides this opportunity, and can even help connect you with industry professionals and book reviewers. It is much more than just a social network, but rather a place where book enthusiasts, bloggers, and buyers are congregating on a daily basis. As an author you NEED to be at this watering hole!
The first step is to connect with GoodReads either through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, ect. or via your email:
In this example, signup was through Twitter, which takes you to the next page where you can fill in your name and email address:
Goodreads registration
GoodReads will now take you through step-by-step on setting up and customizing your account:
Goodreads steps
Once you arrive to the books section, it is a good idea to add to your collection and leave a rating for what you have read:
Goodreads books
Now that you have successfully joined GoodReads, it is time to start the process to encourage sales of your book(s). There are several important steps to take to attract the most readers.

1. Create a book giveaway

As an author book reviews are like gold. This is a great way to encourage pre-release reviews to be posted on sites like Amazon. A giveaway will also help create a buzz about your book, which can be shared on social media. The only caveat to this is that the book must be either hardback or paperback, not an eBook. It is simple to set up, and customize as you decide how long the event will take place. At the very end of the contest GoodReads will provide you with the list of winners.

2. Be engaged in GoodReads groups

There are hundreds of different groups to choose from to fit your niche. This is not the place for sales, but rather meaningful engagement on topics, which can ultimately build a fan base that will naturally be interested in your own work.

3. Encourage book reviews

After you have promoted your book on GoodReads with a giveaway or contest, encourage the winners to leave a review, which will also appear on other sites like Google Books and Powell’s. Use social media to attract readers to your Goodreads profile as well.
GoodReads is a must-have addition to your author marketing toolbox that can be used to attract more visitors to your website, social networks, and Amazon Kindle books. Join their free Author Program for even more features and outreach here. And with the help of a developer you can make the platform interactive on your own website with their API program.
There are many features to try out with GoodReads, and if you would like to read more about building your author platform on sites like this and other social media outlets you will want to check out my article, Build Your Author Platform with These Simple Steps.
Tell me how GoodReads has helped you as an author! I’d love to hear about your successes.
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