Use These 4 Tools to Create the Best Social Media Posts
Monday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right.
Today I have some great resources that are perfect for posting the best content on social media. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
When managing your social content it can be easy to make a mistake or spend needless time figuring out word counts. The good news is there are resources that will help you manage your content with professional results. Take advantage of these tools and bring up the level of your marketing strategy. Are you ready to learn more about these great finds? Let me know how these work for you!
1) Check your content quickly – After the Deadline
Check your spelling grammar, and style in seconds. After the Deadline is a free tool, which allows users to copy and paste their text for fast results. Using this software is like having a second set of eyes on your work. Get started online or download their open source software to your computer.
2) Real-time editing – 300Editors
Having the right team look over your content is important. 300Editors makes the process simple by connecting your business with top editors at a great price. Use this tool to choose from hundreds of qualified people who can proofread and edit your work with you. Your first 100 words are free to try the service out with secure access and confidential editing available at an affordable rate.
3) Correct potential costly mistakes – Help.PlagTracker
Would you like to use a business editing service, but don’t have the right budget yet? Help.PlagTracker will provide professional results at a fraction of the cost. This efficient tool includes an easy way to upload your work on a secure platform for editing and proofreading. This is a great resource to use to manage your content before it gets published on social media.
4) Take your writing to the next level – Slick Write
Edit your content for better audience engagement with less errors. Slick Write is a powerful tool that provides lightning fast editing, which checks for spelling and grammar along with customizing feedback in the style that you write. This free resource even provides impact reports and a slick editing dashboard with several features to choose from.
Hopefully you will find these social media writing tools useful to your marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!