The Key To Your Success
I think of my work as one part strategy, one part specialized skills and a big heap of positive mindset.
The name of that recipe is FOCUS.
Focus is the Key to your Success.
Whether you are an author, entrepreneur, coach, speaker or small business owner, what you believe is possible along where where you place your focus will set the path of your success.
“To create power is like a magnet, this is true because this creative power operates like a magnet. Give it a strong clear picture of what you want and this creative power starts to work magnetizing conditions about you / attracting to you things, resources, opportunities, circumstances and even the people you need, to help bring to pass in your outer life what you have pictured.” ~Claude Bristol
Books don’t go our of style and truth lasts forever. One of those books is a book written in 1948 by a guy named Claude Bristol. “The Magic Of Believing” is the name.
In it he talks about his 3 x 5 card exercise. And it really is a magical one when you use it in three easy steps.
- Write your goals on 3×5 cards…
- Keep them on you at all times…
- And then review them multiple times a day.
Nothing will keep you on track to have a better 2014 than to stay laser-focused on where you want to go.
Think about a ship captain for a minute (how about Tom Hanks in Captain Phillips).
He spends most of his time off course during his journey. Getting blown around by winds, currents, and maybe even pirates.
But, the captain ALWAYS knows exactly where he is going. His final destination is always top of mind.
And he constantly course corrects to keep himself going in the right direction of his goal.
Same EXACT thing with you and your business.
Staying focused on your destination is an absolute key to making sure you actually get there. Along with the focus of your 3 x 5 card, believe that you can achieve these goals and imagine it as real, now.
“Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing. As individuals think and believe, so they are.” ~ Claude M. Bristol
Or, as I say in The Land of I Can, “Believe that you can, trust it can be so, and take one step.”
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I’ve been focusing on what I don’t want, and consequently keep getting what I don’t want. Duh. Thank you, Susan, for reminding me of what I already knew, but forgot to remember. I like the card idea. Blessings to you.
It’s great that you have recognized that, Marilyn – and, now it’s time to shift your focus to what you want!