Today I have some resources to help you improve your Facebook marketing strategy with tools and features. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.
Facebook’s platform continues to expand with additions such as live video and job postings. Many brands and businesses can benefit greatly by taking advantage of the latest offerings in order to build a larger audience. Would you like to improve your brand’s reach, but don’t know where to start? Check out these resources, and let me know how these work for you!
Find qualified employees – Facebook Jobs
Find the right candidate for your industry. The Facebook Jobs feature allows you to filter based on the type of job needed, location, and specific title. This is a great way to find qualified people who are looking for your company right from their profiles.

2) Powerful promotions – TabSite
Put together a great giveaway with attractive ad campaigns for your Page. TabSite is a tool for the web, mobile users, and Facebook ads. Quickly build your next sweepstakes or coupon with customizable templates. There are both free apps and premium choices for all of the major social networks or your website.

3) Immersive reading experience – Facebook Instant Articles
A great way to reach more people and attract new Fans is to use high-quality images that stand out from the rest. Facebook Instant Articles was once limited to big news outlets, but is now open to all publishers to use. Reach a mobile audience with your content and increase your subscriber rates. You can include high quality photos and videos that are both interactive and immersive.

4) Go live on Facebook – Live Video
Build visibility for your brand on Facebook with a broadcast video in real time. Live Video is a powerful feature that you can use to instantly attract more loyal followers and can be done from a profile or Page. Have more engaging conversations while showcasing the personal side of your business. Use these videos to provide exclusive educational sessions for your subscribers and online members as well as entertain your audience.

Hopefully you will find these Facebook resources useful to your social media marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these tips and tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!