Today I have some tools to help you generate more creativity in your work planning. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your work week.
Creating a clear outline of your objectives is crucial to success in any project. Thankfully there are resources you can use to help you hone in on the best pathway. There are several ways to improve your steps to success and write that next book, start a new business, ect. Do you need to get your creativity back on track? Take advantage of these top tools, and let me know how these work for you!
1) Give your ideas a clear structure – Miro
Generate a path for your team to follow quickly and easily. Miro is a mind map tool which can be used to capture, organize, and visually see your ideas that can be shared with a team for collaboration. Use their features to brainstorm together as well as chat or comment with handy sticky notes. View your results on any mobile device or computer.

2) Get more clarity on your work – Lucidchart
Do you need to brainstorm new ideas for your brand or business? Lucidchart provides countless ways to map out your creativity with the ability to develop a vision board to work on with others in your organization. This tool will help you develop your thoughts and even provide connections to other topics you may have not even thought of yet.

3) Expand your creativity – Xmind
Utilize a robust tool set to generate trees based on your ideas. Xmind for iOS will help your business focus and complete important projects visually. Its effective mind mapping features provide a way to accomplish more without the need for other tools. Quickly capture ideas, organize your thoughts, and customize with their colorful templates.

4) Easy idea generation for beginners – Coggle
Are you looking for a simple way to visually see your project steps? Coggle is a helpful tool that allows you to generate your notes into mind maps quickly and easily. Map out the process in each step through text and images. Create loops and branches as well as multiple starting points that you and your team can collaborate on together.

Hopefully you will find these mind map tools useful to your brand or business. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these tips and tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!

These weekly tips are offered by Susan Gilbert, a Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencer of 2022 <<< Click to see the Report.
But, did you know that Susan’s real passion and work in the world is helping entrepreneurs write the book they’ll be remembered for?
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