If you are eager to get a book finished in one month then this post is for you. Writing is not as complicated as you might think. In fact, with the right preparation and focus you can get your ideas in print in no time. You might be wondering if it is possible to write a book in just 30 days? I’ve put together nine (9) steps to help you realize your dream of becoming a published author quickly.
Use These 9 Tips to Finish Your Book
It is worth your time and effort to even write a book? It absolutely is, and especially if you are wanting to build a strong reputation for your brand. Once you go through the process you will understand your target market more fully, which will enable you to create more content they will love. Let’s get started.
1. It all begins with thorough research
Do your due diligence well ahead of typing your first word on a blank screen. This applies to both fiction and non-fiction genres. If you are creating a story you want people to relate to the characters and for the story to be realistic. For a non-fiction book you will want to include facts, interviews, and anything else that can back up your claims. Thorough research will help generate new a fresh ideas for your copy.
2. The skeleton of your book
An outline is essential to help you with writer’s block, AND in conveying a clear message that the reader can understand. Everything inside the pages of your book grows from the ideas that you set forth in this process. With the clear direction and outline provides, you will know what the end goal is, how to achieve it, and what you want your readers to ultimately come away with.
Before beginning the process allow yourself to brainstorm ideas such as factual data, interesting quotes and facts, personal testimonies, studies, ect. Use the Internet to your advantage, but be careful to cite credible sources that can be verified.
Take the time to write down your ideas so that you have as much material to work with as possible. Formulate what each chapter will be titled and any sub-chapters that will be included. You will soon discover what is important and what needs to be left out.
3. Choose a set time to write
If you are ready to write a book in 30 days, let the countdown begin! In order to achieve this goal you’ll need to have a book writing calendar in place that fits well into your own personal schedule. Some people may choose to write a few days a week while others may want to dedicate a full week.
You are in charge of your own calendar, so it is up to you to set alerts or have an accountability partner to help you stay on track. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we stay disciplined and consistent.
A word of caution is to not burn out in your writing work schedule, especially if you have other commitments such as raising a family, owning a business or working full-time. Know your limits and allow for breaks in between. Take care of yourself first and the rest will flow.
4. Determine the word count
There are many different online tools, including your own document software, to tally the total word count for your book. With each daily task set a specific goal for yourself, for example, 250 words per session.
Try not to bite off more than you can chew – an unreasonable word count could put you behind and create discouragement. Test out your own writing process and find out what works for you then stick with that. This is not a one size fits all process. Once you feel comfortable you can always increase this later on.
Determine what time of day works for your writing schedule. Some authors choose early in the mornings while others prefer late evenings. If possible, dedicate a quiet space for your work such as a home office or a local library. Cafes tend to be very noisy, and so this is probably not the best choice unless you like to work with soft music and headphones.
5. Tuning out distractions
To stay focused try to refrain from using your phone, especially to check in on social media, which can really eat up a lot of your time. Make sure your friends and family know when your writing schedule is and establish a ‘do not disturb’ routine.
If you have a dedicated home office try to make it as inspiring as possible according to your own personal style. This is the place you will be spending your most creative time, and so you want to make this appealing and inviting.
6. Tools of the trade
Are you using a desktop computer, tablet, or laptop? Any one of these works for book writing. Just make sure that whichever one you choose it is fast and reliable with up-to-date software. The worst thing in the world is bad equipment that either stalls or derails your goals. You do not want to lose any precious work.
There are many different writing tools to choose from these days depending on how familiar and comfortable you are with technology and whether you would like to keep your work in the cloud, on the computer, or both.
As you choose and utilize your software make sure you have a good backup system in place so that you never lose your important work. Cloud-based technology will automatically save for you, while using your computer may require you to upload your files to a server such as Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, iCloud, ect.
7. You can do this
Stop telling yourself that you can’t write a book in 30 days. It is amazing what you can achieve if you just put your mind to it, start the work, and stick with it.
Always remind yourself that you are an author, even if you have not published a book yet. Remember that everyone who has ever had a successful book had to start with a blank page first and no name recognition.
After you complete your outline tackle the meaty portions of your book initially. With the hard work out of the way first you will be able to gain more momentum as you go on to the next sections and avoid any procrastination that may sneak up on you.
8. Block out specific periods of time
It’s easy to power through and keep working until you drop, but this may cost you in the long run. In order to avoid overwhelm give yourself blocks of time with breaks in between.
For example, you might want to dedicate an hour to writing and then work on something else. If you work full-time, you might feel more productive during your lunch break.
Make room for whatever works best for you and just relax. Stay in the moment of focusing on the copy you want to write for that session, and try to not get ahead of yourself. The next phases of your chapters will come in due time.
9. Celebrate your ‘finishes’
Writing a book is a challenging task, especially if you have committed to doing this in such a short amount of time. As you accomplish your goals don’t forget to reward yourself and celebrate each milestone.
As you make progress each day you will begin to experience the rewards of your dedication to authorship. While you may not be able to write a 500 page novel in just 30 days it is very possible to write a book that is 200 pages or less, especially when it covers a narrow topic.