Monday Tips – 4 Tools to Help Your Business Analytics on Twitter

Sep 26, 2016 | Monday Memos

Get Better Results on Twitter with These 4 Analytics Tools

4-tools-to-help-your-business-analytics-on-twitterMonday Tips is a short list of the best finds across the internet to start your week off right.
Today I have some resources to help you measure your Twitter marketing strategy for improved results. Here’s four links with tips and tricks to kick start your Monday.
Building a brand on social media does not have to be a complicated endeavor. In order to track your activity and communication you need to have the right tools in place. Twitter is still one of the top performing social networks when it comes to generating new leads and sales. Would you like go beyond their standard analytics, but don’t have the right staff or expertise? Use these great resources and let me know how these work for you!

1) Visualize top tweets – Visible Tweets

Easily find trending topics with an attractive visual. Visible Tweets is a simple tool that creates a moving text image that relates to your hashtags. Get latest tweets from the top users in your industry. Once you enter a hashtag an animation begins with the most recent content. Build your brand by submitting your company for a visual display.

2) Create a graph from Twitter – TweetStats

Gather more information on the performance of your tweets without downloading software. TweetStats helps you quickly find the latest data including how many tweets per hour and month as well as your timeline and response rate. Just enter your Twitter handle to get started with instant results.

3) Dig deeper into your activity – Tweetchup

Would you like to know more in-depth analytics on your Twitter account? Tweetchup allows you to gather important information such as specific keywords that are the most popular, and who a user interacts with the most. This is a great tool to use to build a stronger community and brand presence. Get started for free by logging in with your account.

4) Group management of your Twitter account – Klear

Find the right influencers in your industry on Twitter. Klear is a social intelligence tool that helps you to search for leaders in your niche as well as powerful monitoring and social profile features to help your business make better connections. You can get started for free on a limited account with professional services available.
Hopefully you will find these Twitter analytics tools useful to your social media strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?
Have fun with these Monday Tips and Tools.
Wishing you a FAN-tastic week!


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