It's Time To Take A Fresh Look At Your Website If you have a website, then you want your products and services to be seen by as many prospects online as possible. While marketing strategies through social media are essential to your visibility it really pays to have a...
Creating Meaningful Relationships on Social Media
Got Influence on Social Media? Social influence has become a pivotal factor in determining a brand or business's success on the net. But it's not enough to be just connected with the right people online. It takes individual attention and conversation to nurture these...
Restaurants Can Rock Social Media
Eatery Success Stories On Social Media We have seen a lot of changes for cafes, restaurants and take-out over the last six years since the economic down-slide in 2008. When there was less expendable income, more people starting eating at home instead of dining out....
Six Easy Writing Formats to Get You Blogging
Blog Post Types Made Easy Working with authors and small business owners, I'm often asked, "What should I l blog about?" I find that it's hard for most people - even authors - to add this task to their marketing agenda. Most people don't know what to write about or...
Google Plus Strategies at the End of the Authorship Rope
Google Plus Is Great For SEO Have you wondered whether your Google+ posts really matter? There are many social media marketers who still focus primarily on Facebook and Twitter while regarding Google+ as a sad attempt on Google's part to play in the social media...
Why Your Tweets Aren't Getting Indexed in Google
Want to see your Tweets on Google Results? Have you ever wondered how Google measures your tweets and whether they can be found in the search engine listings? Some surprising new facts may get your marketing wheels turning. A recent study done by Stone Temple...
10 Smart Solutions to Increase Your Facebook Page Visibility
Get Around the New Facebook Page Algorithm Have you noticed a dramatic shift in your Facebook Page engagement over the last several months? This due in large part to their algorithm upgrades, which has sparked some controversy over the motives such as encouraging...
Increase Engagement on Twitter With Contests
How Twitter Contests Can Grow Your Audience Is your business struggling to create conversations on Twitter that grow your network in a meaningful way? Then you might want to try promoting your brand through giveaways and contests. A Twitter campaign is similar to...
How To Become A Social Entrepreneur
Social Media Tips for the Entrepreneur Is it possible to attract leads and convert them into sales with social media? The world of social media marketing may create a sense of a small fish in a big pond for an entrepreneur or business. For others it could represent...
Exercises to Improve Focus in a Device Driven World
Need Focus? With our fast moving society paired with the texting, social media, 'device always on' life we lead, it’s easy to lose focus. Steve Jobs said, “That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard...