Achieve Better Conversions Using Custom Audiences in Facebook Ads

Nov 7, 2014 | Digital Marketing

Custom Audiences as a Sales Generator in Facebook Ads

Better Conversions from Facebook Ads with Custom Audiences
Are you looking for better conversions from Facebook ads?
Creating an ad on Facebook is a good start for visibility for your business or brand, but this does not necessarily bring in more sales. That is where Custom Audiences comes into play, which is a free and powerful marketing tool, which further hones in on the right target market by tapping into those your company already has a connection with.
When building a Facebook ad campaign with custom audiences options, your business is able to reach out to those in your subscriber email list or to their telephone numbers. This in turn puts your ads directly in front of your audience, and narrows the focus down from a public outreach to a very specific, targeted group. This vastly improves your chances of converting leads into sales, and increasing your brand’s visibility.
Getting started with Facebook Custom Audiences is simple to do beginning with a CSV list or text file of your email subscribers or their telephone numbers. Log into your profile and go the Ads Manager menu, and select the Audiences menu. Then you will need to upload your list from the top menu:
Facebook Ads with Custom Audiences
As you can see, Facebook also gives you the option of selecting a specific customer list through your MailChimp account, mobile app, or website. For the ad tracking create a name for your campaign and choose your list type before submitting:
Facebook Ads with Custom Audiences
It takes about 30 minutes for Facebook to process your Custom Audience campaign, and once completed, you will see your title and description in your audience menu:
When you are ready to create your next Facebook ad campaign, simply select your audience from the drop down menu:
Facebook Ads with Custom Audiences
Now your subscribers will be targeted to see your latest Facebook ad for increased sales. For example, if you send a new product announcement out on a Monday you can follow up a few days later by creating a Facebook Custom Audiences ad that will remind them to view the offer. Chances are these contacts are loyal brand followers, and this means they will be more likely to share your ad to their network on Facebook.

When you run a campaign that reaches out to your existing target market, your business is amplifying its chances for conversions as you reach out to an audience who is already interested in what you have to offer as opposed to rolling the dice with a public ad campaign.
Remember the saying, 80% of your sales comes from 20% of your existing client base?  Don’t work so hard to get new clients only when you have people who already know and like what you have to offer.


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